Well to make a long story short I have had a new complication. My right breast has filled with fluid which looks like an implant but it is on the side instead of in front so it didn't help and only looked deformed. So after radiation the Dr. had me come over to his office and he did an ultrasound. Then he called the surgeon and he said he didn't want to wait and had me come over there. At this point I am terrified. We get into his office and he has his surgery table all set up and he checks me out and does another ultrasound. Then he preps me and away we go. Needles in boobs is not fun!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway they took out 240 cc of fluid that they are testing for everything. They are not sure what caused the problem in the first place. But I could sleep on side again and I am not feeling the pressure anymore. So maybe we can get back to recovery during radiation. I really am feeling sooooooo much better. I think I might be normal again soon. The problem with my Sydney has my soul in distress but she is bright and strong and I have some faith in this. If you read this please pray for her often it is the most powerfull thing we can do for her. Then we must leave it the hands of the lord and those who have trained to heal.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
100 days of Chemo over
Well I am finally past my 100 days of chemo nightmare. I am starting to feel a little better everyday. I started raddiation on Monday and it so far doesn't seem too bad. I do however, have to expose my breast daily to strangers. Maybe after the seven weeks they will no longer be stangers. Anyway it is better than Chemo. Jerry and I went to Pismo Beach last week. We had a very nice time. I still get very tired and there are times when I am still not feeling well. But the ocean is a wonderful healer. I would put some pictures on but we didn't take any. Jerry and I must have said at least a hundred times "the kids would love it here", we hope to go together as a family someday soon. Thank you all for your support and prayers they have been great.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
New back ground
So I know last month was Breast Cancer month. But I saw this back ground on the cutest blog on the block and I thought that it was perfect for my mom.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I feel shitty!!!!!!!
It's been one week since my last chemo. I keep hoping to feel normal again and now I think I have forgotten what normal is. I am trying to have faith and know that time will make things different. But today I am weak. I am shaking and I feel like I am only part way here. My mouth is sore and it feels like alligator skin. It hurts and feels foreign, like everything about me. I hope that I can be me again. It's strange when your not you. It has a feeling of being intoxicated but it is not fun. My fingers hurt and don't feel attached. My toes are like blocks of wood.
My skin is bagging everywhere on me. I feel like I look like the frozen lady in the tub in the movie "The Shining". My favorite scary movie. I think I needed to go have some hydration today but I didn't have anyone who could drive me and I am sure that I would be arrested if I got caught driving. So I told Mom & Dad that I needed to go home. Hope the office is OK. I am afraid that I will always be tired. I can't even walk upstairs without needing to take a break. I want to be me again. I pray it is possible. Hopefully this is my last whining blog. I am supposed to go have my nails done today even that sounds like way to much work. The good news from this session of chemo is Mom didn't have chemo. Her kidney function was way down. So lucky her she is taking a break. But they always weigh you and I have to tell everyone that by their scale I have lost 109 pounds. Can you believe it. I can't. I am looking forward to enjoying some shopping when I feel better. I think I wear a size 14. Almost a 12 but definately not a 24! I hope the chemo and the radiation haven't caused permenant damage to my stomach and all that I had done. I know there will be some damage but hopefully most I will be able to work through. Well I can't stand listening to me whine so that is all for now. I will write back when I feel better. I Love all of you and am thankful for your thoughts, prayers and calls.
Nana Kathlene
My skin is bagging everywhere on me. I feel like I look like the frozen lady in the tub in the movie "The Shining". My favorite scary movie. I think I needed to go have some hydration today but I didn't have anyone who could drive me and I am sure that I would be arrested if I got caught driving. So I told Mom & Dad that I needed to go home. Hope the office is OK. I am afraid that I will always be tired. I can't even walk upstairs without needing to take a break. I want to be me again. I pray it is possible. Hopefully this is my last whining blog. I am supposed to go have my nails done today even that sounds like way to much work. The good news from this session of chemo is Mom didn't have chemo. Her kidney function was way down. So lucky her she is taking a break. But they always weigh you and I have to tell everyone that by their scale I have lost 109 pounds. Can you believe it. I can't. I am looking forward to enjoying some shopping when I feel better. I think I wear a size 14. Almost a 12 but definately not a 24! I hope the chemo and the radiation haven't caused permenant damage to my stomach and all that I had done. I know there will be some damage but hopefully most I will be able to work through. Well I can't stand listening to me whine so that is all for now. I will write back when I feel better. I Love all of you and am thankful for your thoughts, prayers and calls.
Nana Kathlene
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Last Chemo Session
On Wednesday I had my last chemo session. Yeah! So now for the next couple of weeks I will feel pretty sick and miserable. But there seems to be an end soon. Mom is gettng a break for a while. The Dr. thinks she needs a little break from chemo. I think it will be a good break for her she has been through so much. Her kindneys are in a little trouble so we will see what happens after we meet with the Dr.
Dad and I went to a costume party last night. It was fun but I didn't feel so well. But it was fun to dress up and go out. Dad went as a plumber with a plumbers crack and all. I went as a vampire. I actually fit into this costume which felt great. I just sat there most of the night because I felt to shakey to stand up and walk around.
In about three weeks I will start to feel better then I start six weeks of radiation. The radiation makes you very weak and tired but you usually are not sick. This is something to look forward to. It's funny how you change what you ook forward to.
The Thayn Family is having a traditional Thanksgiving on the Friday after Thanksgiving so we don't interfere with everyone else. Please make every effort to participate. This may be the important holiday of the year. Mom will be off her chemo and hopefully feel better. Try not to miss this.
Dad and I went to a costume party last night. It was fun but I didn't feel so well. But it was fun to dress up and go out. Dad went as a plumber with a plumbers crack and all. I went as a vampire. I actually fit into this costume which felt great. I just sat there most of the night because I felt to shakey to stand up and walk around.
In about three weeks I will start to feel better then I start six weeks of radiation. The radiation makes you very weak and tired but you usually are not sick. This is something to look forward to. It's funny how you change what you ook forward to.
The Thayn Family is having a traditional Thanksgiving on the Friday after Thanksgiving so we don't interfere with everyone else. Please make every effort to participate. This may be the important holiday of the year. Mom will be off her chemo and hopefully feel better. Try not to miss this.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
My mom asked me to journal for her today. She is really sick with this chemo treatment. It's made her really tired, shaky and nauseated. My dad is going to take her into the doctor and get her hydrated. Which this will make her feel better.
It's been kindof a bummer cause she doens't really want to talk on the phone or do anything and she is really grumpy. I know that's because she doesn't feel good. She has also been really busy with grandma. Also stressing about her too!!!
Grandma went into the hospital on Monday with chest pains. They had her stay for a few days so they could run some tests on her. After all the tests came back they decided just to do and angeogram. The doctor thought that this would be best for her right now. When they were doing the angeogram they found that two of her valves were clogged. They said that their not going to do any thing with those right now. But on a postitive note her heart is pumping hard and is healthy. Grandma is home and doing better. Thats good!
So, in the mean time keep praying for my mom and grandma. Also for my dad he is still having a hard time (he wont admitt it though). Thanks for all your prayers!
It's been kindof a bummer cause she doens't really want to talk on the phone or do anything and she is really grumpy. I know that's because she doesn't feel good. She has also been really busy with grandma. Also stressing about her too!!!
Grandma went into the hospital on Monday with chest pains. They had her stay for a few days so they could run some tests on her. After all the tests came back they decided just to do and angeogram. The doctor thought that this would be best for her right now. When they were doing the angeogram they found that two of her valves were clogged. They said that their not going to do any thing with those right now. But on a postitive note her heart is pumping hard and is healthy. Grandma is home and doing better. Thats good!
So, in the mean time keep praying for my mom and grandma. Also for my dad he is still having a hard time (he wont admitt it though). Thanks for all your prayers!
Friday, October 3, 2008
So today my mom asked me to blog for her. She is not feeling very good! Yesterday was chemo for her and grandma. It was such a busy day for them both. They were both so tired.
After chemo my mom took grandma to the neurologist to find out what is going on. Because a few weeks ago she had a cat scan, so this was a follow up. The doctor told them that she has a mild form of dementia. He is going to put her on some medicine that will help bring back her memory. Grandma also went and had a blood transfusion.
So while grandma was getting her blood transfusion, my mom was having some therapy on her right arm. The reason for the therapy is because she has been having lymph edema. Which is swelling, pain, lumps in arm and numbness. Therapist said, that it may or may not go away with in a year. Also if it hasn't gone away within the year she will probably have it the rest of her life. But she said that she really likes the treatments that they do. She said that they feel really good.
When they were both done with their appointments, my mom took her and grandma to the pharmacy and their meds. Then they both went home and went to sleep.
Well as you can tell it has been very hard for her and grandma. So we start all over again and for the next couple of weeks she is going to be down and not feeling good.
So, mom PLEASE take care of you and not worry about any one else. We love you! Take care.
After chemo my mom took grandma to the neurologist to find out what is going on. Because a few weeks ago she had a cat scan, so this was a follow up. The doctor told them that she has a mild form of dementia. He is going to put her on some medicine that will help bring back her memory. Grandma also went and had a blood transfusion.
So while grandma was getting her blood transfusion, my mom was having some therapy on her right arm. The reason for the therapy is because she has been having lymph edema. Which is swelling, pain, lumps in arm and numbness. Therapist said, that it may or may not go away with in a year. Also if it hasn't gone away within the year she will probably have it the rest of her life. But she said that she really likes the treatments that they do. She said that they feel really good.
When they were both done with their appointments, my mom took her and grandma to the pharmacy and their meds. Then they both went home and went to sleep.
Well as you can tell it has been very hard for her and grandma. So we start all over again and for the next couple of weeks she is going to be down and not feeling good.
So, mom PLEASE take care of you and not worry about any one else. We love you! Take care.
Monday, September 15, 2008
09-15-08 (74 Days Left)
This is my 5th day since chemo and I feel terrible. Mom fell last night when she went to go to the bathroom. She has a black eye. I am so worried about her. When I got to her house he had not taken her meds on Sunday. I had her take her meds today. It is hard to keep up with Mom & Dad's needs.
Friday my computer broke and would not start. It has frozen me completely a far as business goes. Our checks should be out tomorrow. The computer guy called me while I was sleeping and went to Mom & Dad's to put it back together again.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
09-11-08 Catch up time (78 days left)
Well yesterday I had my second session of chemo. My veins are getting tired on my left arm. I didn't have a reaction to the chemo this time which was very good. The nurse (John) sat with me for a good 1/2 hour to make sure I would be OK. We did find out yesterday when we saw the Dr. that my Mom has a tumor but it is not cancer. Also her brain has shrunk probably from age. Over all we did pretty good yesterday. Jerry who is my hero drove us and watched over us and took good care of us. Today I went back out to the Dr. and had that terrible shot called Nulasta not to be confused with the sleep aid Lunesta. It makes my bones hurt like crazy but it builds white blood cells back up so I need it but it really hurts. I can tell I am starting the bad part again. My mouth is getting raw and I feel tired and starting to feel sick. I am dreading the next week or so but know that I can do it.
What I want to talk about is some of the things that have happened for the last week or so. First, last weekend we went to Kandiss' house and went to the fair. We had a really good time. Sydney went crazy with joy when she got to ride the pony's. She was so cute and unfortunately my camera was with Kandiss and her camera. Nataly's favorite was the big slide. I went down with Nataly and couldn't believe how crazy it was. I was laughing so hard and then the Girls went up again with their Mom & Dad and had just as much fun. We took a crazy picture of Jeff, Jerry and Myself with our bald heads. It was very strange for me to be in public with no hair. Most of the time I didn't remember but when someone would look at me I remembered because of the double take that they all do. I remember doing it many times.
The night before when Jerry was driving us up to Stansbury my head was itching and hair falling out but Kandiss wanted so bad to shave my head that I tried not to touch it too much. But when we got there and she ran her hands through my hair she started crying and said she couldn't do it. I told her my story of my mothers hair falling out. I remember asking her if she wanted to have her head shaved and she said no but would I please just brush it until it all came out. Joyce was there and started crying and left the room. I stayed and brushed it out and remember what a gift it was. It was one of the most difficult things I have done. But it was also one of the most special gifts of my life. So I told this story to Kandiss and asked her to take this chance for a special gift in her life. I hope she was not too burdened by that experience. She did a great job in my opinion. There are some pictures of the shaving and Jerry using my hair as his long beard.
The next morning when Nataly and Sydney woke up and saw my head was bald became very afraid of me. Nataly started crying and would not look at me. Finally during breakfast we talked and things got better. I told Nataly that most of her friends Grandparents had hair but her Nana did not have any. So when she got to the bus stop and her friends showed up she ran up to them and told them that her Nana didn't have any hair. She was a great social icon for the day. It was worth losing my hair for that alone. She even told her bus drivers. Nataly is great and little Sydney is a joy. I miss them all the time.
Saturday we went up to the Rock Quarry and spent a couple of hours up there and I always feel healed when I am there. The girls walked all over with us and had a good time. We talked about building a cabin up there. We have talked about that for a long time. Maybe sometime we will. It would a great place for us to gather together and grow close as a family. Extended family.
I can't remember if I wrote about Labor Day weekend. But my baby Gabby was given a name and blessing. The Lord blessed me with my hair for the day and I was grateful. Gabby looked so sweet and it was a special blessing for her and us. I finished her dress the day before. I had gone to Costco and bought a bunch of food for after the blessing and it turned out great. The Millgates where there for the blessing and that was wonderful. The Strongs came down from SLC and it was great being with them and there kids. Shirlene and Kody came with there wonderful little guys and we had a really nice time with everyone. I was very tired but decided that I would not miss anything. These times have always been a joy to me. I think there are some pictures from swimming together and some of the blessing.
Thank you everyone for praying and your thoughts for me. I feel them everyday. They are the things that help me get through the days that suck. I love all of you and love seeing and hearing from you.
To Jerry who is my best friend I love you more than life itself. Kandiss, Tasha and Whitney who have been my continual joy. My babies, Nataly, Sydney, Cash and Gabrielle who give constant joy and laughter. May you all know how much you have given my strength. A special thanks to all my family and friends who have touched my soul to the core.
Love Kathlene
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
08-27-08 One Week Down only 93 days left
Well maybe tomorrow the dress will done. It has been a driving force to finish. I have until Saturday. Not really though the family is starting to come tomorrow. We will have both Millgates and Thayns down here. How did this happen? I could not have put it together even if I had the money to bribe everyone. So there is someone behind the scenes, we know who. Today is the first day I have felt pretty good. I called the Dr. yesterday and she called in some prescriptions for me. This mouthwash for the sores in my mouth and throat was prepared by the devil, it is awful. But it helps so I use it. Food is almost impossible to get down and if you do it tastes like a dirty dish clothe. I was also given a prescription for Dyflucan, the mircle drug. She gave 7 days worth. I already feel like a new bottom half. I quit taking the compozine it makes me feel really bad. But the Ativan is working well. Today I didn't take a nap and now I am the last person awake down here.
I worked at the bus yard today and felt pretty good. It was a good meeting. I spoke a couple of times with Don Smith who is the insurance broker for Mom & Dad. We feel the now have fairly great coverage. I worked at the office doing mostly catch up work. Mom had her toenail removed today and it is quite sore.
Big change ---- I actually watched a little of HSN ^ QVC and found things that interest me. Didn't buy anything which is good because Chemo Brains shouldn't make fashion decisions.
Last week there was a terrible accident that took the life of a young mother and one of her sons age 8, sent her other son to the Primary Children Hospital. Jerry & I went to the video store and say a box asking for donations. I knew I didn't have any cash surprise surprise so I said to Jerry give me all your cash we have to give right now. It took me out of self pity for quite some time amazing to think. Find the gifts that happen in experience of pain and suffering they are gifts that will change your perspective forever.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
08-26-08 6 days down and 94 left

Wow, last night was painful. I had so much pain in my bones which is from the shot of white blood cell builder they gave me. I am going to call and see if I can go to the Chiropractor today. Also my mouth is getting sores in it and my entire private parts front to back is raw and burning. I know to much info but Jerry had to listen to me moan all night long.
I worked on Gabby's dress this morning. I put in the sleeves. They are so tiny that it makes it difficult to sew them in especially when you can't see very good anymore.
Here is a cut picture of Gabby. She is getting so funny now. I hope I can spend time with her in the next few months. I usually can only hold her for a few minutes. Kandiss called this morning and said Nataly went to school today. And Nataly was so excited. I told her not to let her ever go to school but she told me Nana I have to I am five.
Monday, August 25, 2008
08-25-08 5 days post chemo 95 days left
I got up this morning around 5:00 AM. Jerry kept telling me to go back to bed. But really when I can be awake and do something I am going to do just that. Today I got up and cleaned of my bathroom counter, scrubbed my shower, scrubbed my toilet and the floor around it. I started my shower and the creepy pain in my right arm caused by the removal of the lymph nodes started going to town. Well, I was already spent. So my goal today and maybe everyday is to do things that last about 15 minutes. This seems to be the amount of time I can tell how I am going to feel. I used to do this on my to do list. Everything that I could think of was laid out in 10-15 minutes intervals. I usually never got it all done but always got to cross off a bunch of things to do. This will be a little different because it might take me a week to cross off more than one thing but at least I don't feel dead when I am doing or thinking about doing.
I am still trying to complete Gabby's dress. When Grandma got her new sewing machine I got her old one. The problem is that it doesn't work so now I have to take it in to get it fixed so I can finish this dress. Or maybe I can try on her new sewing machine but I don't think I read all that info and still feel good enough to sew.
Last night Jerry & Whitney made tacos. I made the most beautiful taco I have seen in months. Fresh tortilla, taco meat, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, salt and pepper. I rolled it up in a paper towel so not one thing would fall out. Sat down and took on bite, yuck. It tasted like the paper towel. Second bite, even worse. What is this stuff that leaches into your mouth so that even when your not nauseated it tastes like paint or petroleum. It is hard to remember why I feel so terrible and that this is the best thing for me. My eyes are starting to burn and my head/hair hurts when I touch it. I can see how people get depressed. You don't feel good enough to feel anything else. Please stand by me during this it is not forever. 2009 will be a new year for me and all of us.
This is private for my children. Treat each other like today is the last day you have together. What would your thoughts be toward each other. Would you be jeolous or angry or would you be kind and gentle. Honor your spouses they are the fathers of my grandkids. Patience with those little ones if they need a minute give them 10 minutes because surely no one else will. I love you all and am so sorry for being such a drag.
I am still trying to complete Gabby's dress. When Grandma got her new sewing machine I got her old one. The problem is that it doesn't work so now I have to take it in to get it fixed so I can finish this dress. Or maybe I can try on her new sewing machine but I don't think I read all that info and still feel good enough to sew.
Last night Jerry & Whitney made tacos. I made the most beautiful taco I have seen in months. Fresh tortilla, taco meat, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, salt and pepper. I rolled it up in a paper towel so not one thing would fall out. Sat down and took on bite, yuck. It tasted like the paper towel. Second bite, even worse. What is this stuff that leaches into your mouth so that even when your not nauseated it tastes like paint or petroleum. It is hard to remember why I feel so terrible and that this is the best thing for me. My eyes are starting to burn and my head/hair hurts when I touch it. I can see how people get depressed. You don't feel good enough to feel anything else. Please stand by me during this it is not forever. 2009 will be a new year for me and all of us.
This is private for my children. Treat each other like today is the last day you have together. What would your thoughts be toward each other. Would you be jeolous or angry or would you be kind and gentle. Honor your spouses they are the fathers of my grandkids. Patience with those little ones if they need a minute give them 10 minutes because surely no one else will. I love you all and am so sorry for being such a drag.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Saturday 08-23-8
Today I have worked on the baby blessing dress for baby Gabby. I am having trouble seeing. We choice a soft orange creme ribbon on white eyelet. I think she will be darling in it.
Just a little update on this chemo thing. It really sucks. Like it sucks the life out of you. I feel so out of it all the time. I want to get up an get things done. But something just chokes the life out of me. I feel like I just got off a Merry Go Round and am nauseated. Dizzy, food taste like a dog bone. Consistant headache. My mouth tastes and feels like concrete. So I am calling this "I FEEL FUNKY".
Jerry is trying so hard to be patient with me. Last night on a Friday night I could not stay awake after 6:30 pm. He has got to be so bored with me. I am bored with me. Sorry about the negative report but today is just to strange.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Chemo was today

Today was the first day chemo. So my mom asked me (Kandiss) to blog for her tonight. She is really tired tonight. They did not have very much fun today at chemo. She had an allergic reaction to the chemo. The nurse said that it is common for people to have a reaction to the chemo. But for my mom she said that her back and hips felt like they were breaking. So when she told them that was happening they stopped the chemo and gave her some benedryl. That took away the pain and they started the chemo again but slower. My dad is having a hard time today. I know it was hard for him to be there watching my mom go through this. Grandma was there with her today. They took some pictures at chemo. Please keep praying for my mom. She wants me to let every one that she loves, and thanks every one for your prayers. She just wants all of to stay positive.
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